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Our services cost $39.95 per month after a 30-day free trial. Everything that we offer is included in the monthly payment of $39.95 - which means there is no setup or any other fee.
You are not bound by any agreement or contract. Depending on your choice, you can either prepay or pay month-on-month. Cancel any time you wish to – no questions asked.
Yes, you just need to point your domain to us by updating ‘A-Record’ on your domain control panel with the IP address provided to you. You can point the domain on your own, or reach out to your domain registrar support for help.
No, all you need to do is to point your domain to us; your domain will remain at your domain registrar account. You will continue to have complete ownership of it. We just provide you with the IP address of the server where we host your car dealer website. You then update your domain ‘A-Record’ with provided IP address.
Yes, it is. Your car dealer website is truly SSL secured. This implies that the entire information exchanged over the internet is always encrypted and never sent as a plain text. You may also want to note that the website URL begins with https:// and not http://. Effective July 2018, Google’s Chrome browser will list all unencrypted or non-HTTPS sites as ‘not secure.’
All online forms are instantly emailed to an account email address. Please check your Spam/Junk folder in the event you are not able to receive them. Do find emails containing submitted online forms and mark them as not-spam. Then once you create contact with online forms email address, all these forms will head straight to your Inbox.
Yes, we can, absolutely free of charge! Generally speaking, we can feed your inventory to any/multiple third parties without any charge as long as you have your own account with them.
We have invested in a near- automated website platform that can be operated with less manpower and virtually no overhead. In addition, our profit margins are less as compared to the most of our competitors. That being said, we are growing at a faster pace than our competitors and ensure our profits are based on both the quality and quantity of sold car dealer websites without having to rely on high margins.